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Masonry Institute of Iowa

PO Box 393
Johnston, IA 50131

Phone: 515-252-0637


As a member of the Masonry Institute of Iowa, we are pleased to offer a new member benefit to help you and employer get in front of the design community!

MII has the ability to offer professional development credit to architects and engineers and has decided to offer MII members the opportunity to record webinars that will be placed on MII’s website for architects and engineers to watch at their convenience.

How does it work?
MII members must have an one-hour program (via PowerPoint). MII will apply for AIA credit and once approved, schedule a time to record your webinar. It will be placed online for viewing and MII will promote these on-demand webinars.

What if I don’t have a presentation already?
You may decide to put a presentation together, or use one that you have already created. For additional details on creating a program, please read below or contact Jenny at 515-979-8235.

What do I need for MII to submit my program for AIA credit?
Here are some things you will need to remember for a program to qualify for continuing education:

  • Must be educational
  • Presentation must be one hour in length and include a Microsoft Powerpoint
  • For AIA credit, the program may or may not offer HSW (Health - Safety - Wellness)  credit. To read more on what HSW credit is, click here. If it is to offer HSW credit, you will need a paragraph justifying how it meets this criteria.
  • HSW credit must fall under one of five categories: practice management, project management, programming and analysis. project planning and design, project development and documentation and construction and evaluation
  • A program title and brief description of the program.
  • Each program will need 4 learning objectives. Click here to read more about learning objectives.
  • Name and short biography of presenter

To read AIA’s standards on continuing education please visit http://content.aia.org/sites/default/files/2018-12/AIA_CE_Standards_FINAL_v1.pdf.  Please note these are to be learning opportunities – not an opportunity to promote your business and product. MII can lose the ability to offer continuing education by not following these standards.

Please allow AIA up to fourteen business days to approve your course once it has been submitted. Once approved, Jenny will schedule a time to record the webinar from the comfort of your office. MII will handle all the paperwork and uploading of attendance to AIA or emailing of certificate of attendance.

You will need to submit a PDF of your PowerPoint prior to approval. MII will also develop a short quiz for the attendee to submit for AIA credit.

We hope you will take advantage of this great opportunity to get more masonry education in front of designers. Questions on how to get started? Call or email Jenny at 515-979-8235 or

Here is an example of the information provided for one of MII’s programs:
Program Name: Initial Cost of Construction
Presenter: Jenny Irlmeier-Stephenson
Does this program qualify for HSW?  yes

Explanation of why it qualifies HSW credit:
Masonry is safer than many other building materials and in this program, the presenter will talk about the different testing done to show masonry withstands such natural disasters such as tornadoes and fire and how it is safer for its occupants. This presentation also talks about other safety benefits that occupants can benefit from including thermal mass and lack of mold.

Category of HSW: project planning and design

Program Description: Results of the initial cost of construction study will be presented, showing masonry as a cost effective building material. The presentation will then address the life cycle of the building with fire protection, weather protection and thermal mass to show attendees how long-term masonry is a cost-effective choice for building commercial structures.

  • Learning Objective 1:
    Evaluate E-119 testing of masonry wall assemblies.
  • Learning Objective 2:
    Recognize thermal mass and its relationship of masonry buildings.
  • Learning Objective 3:
    Understand the initial costs of construction on a multi-residential, multi-story building.
Learning Objective 4:

Summary of wind missile testing to comply with IBC500.

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